April 3, 2018
Deciding to hire a ghostwriter
You can glean a great deal of information in a phone call with a ghost, enough so that you are comfortable with the costs, timing, experience and competence (in general) of that person. However, that usually isn't enough to make a final decision. From this point, it is important to meet in person. A one-on-one meeting should give you the answers you'll need before signing a contract. It is also important that you "like" the person you will be working with for the next four months to a year. Life is too short to work on dull projects or with people you don't enjoy being or working with.
As important as success and results are, it is just as important to enjoy the process, to learn along the way, to discover, and participate in the creation of something truly unique. So, your one on one meeting is where the "rubber meets the road," so to speak. I firmly believe that though I do the heavy lifting in terms of writing, research and editing, this is your book; the content comes from you, but the ideas, style and great surprises come from both of us. I act as a writer, guide and confidant among other things.
Once we have spoken and you agree a meeting is needed, I will travel anywhere in the world to meet with you (at your expense). The hotel, air fare and food are your responsibility--I give you two or three days of my life as part of the bargain.
Most of my more than 40 clients have been located in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. I ask that a potential client set up a hotel in their city and decide upon a quiet meeting space whether that is his or her office, home or some other venue that is located close to the hotel and to them. I usually arrive at night, get settled in and then plan for an early next morning meeting.
These meetings are generally open ended and take anywhere from several hours, to the entire day. Many times, two days are necessary. During this meeting, we get to know one another as human beings and as potential business partners, and I provide answers to any questions you have.
By the time I leave to come home, you will know if you want to proceed, so I will leave you with my contract and give you time to think about the process on your own. It's all very simple actually and it all makes perfect sense. When you have decided to start, you call me, we set up our first interviews and we get to work.
That first order of business is creating an outline, deciding on the voice and the style of this work and developing the foundation for future interviews, the schedule of completion, talking about publishing questions and the many other aspects that will come into play as we collaborate on your book.
Visit my website for more answers and details:
And come back here often as I continue to discuss the ghostwriting process and how you can insure you make your book project a success.
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