Friday, April 13, 2018

If you are interested in writing, reading or ghostwriting, you'll find a wealth of information and entertainment in these Blogs. There are stories about how to collaborate successfully with a ghostwriter on your novel, your memoir or your business book--it's truly an art and rapidly becoming a science. I also write about business, marketing and publishing as it relates to writing and ghostwriting. 

There are commentaries on the self-publishing and traditional publishing industries as well as information about literary agents, contracts and legal matters in general. Occasionally, I include samples of my writing both fiction and non-fiction, but most importantly, these blogs are full of answers and solutions to the many questions most people have about the ghostwriting process including: deciding if you need a ghost, how to find one that is a good match for you and your project, how the process between the two of you can and should proceed and whatever insights I feel make that process a success. My goals are to inform and entertain. I firmly believe that, "We only write as well as we think."

You can get more information and details at my full website: 

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